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Four Seasons Hotel Sydney - Unusual Job (Australie)

Four Seasons Hotel Sydney - Unusual Job (Australie)

Catégorie : Asie Pacifique - Australie
Ceci est un communiqué de presse sélectionné par notre comité éditorial et mis en ligne gratuitement le 14-09-2009

Shine On!

Call us romantic, label us old-fashioned, but in the age of technology isn't it good to know there are still some specialists out there? You know, folks who've devoted their lives to learning and honing a craft? Folks who still work with their hands? (Typing on a Blackberry and playing Guitar Hero don't count.)

Take Alan Sherwood. As the on-site French Polisher — we'll come back to that — at Four Seasons Hotel Sydney, Alan often spends days buffing one piece of wood. But his boss sure doesn't mind. Believing that it's better to maintain quality from within, the Hotel employs a team of 18 uniquely skilled tradesmen like Alan, all of whom keep the property happily humming along.

From the exotic Honduran mahogany furniture in the refurbished guest rooms to the soaring columns and grand staircase getting a facelift in the lobby, no wooden surface escapes Alan's magic touch. The technique he uses, established in 18th-century Europe, involves the painstakingly precise application of thin coats of alcohol-dissolved shellac with a special rubbing pad. Performing the same circular and figure-eight motions over and over results in a highly glossed, deeply coloured and resilient surface. It also means Alan probably has the strongest wrists in all of Sydney!

Visit Four Seasons Hotel Sydney today, and learn how Alan makes the whole Hotel gleam like the top of the city's famed Opera House.

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