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Spice Island Beach Resort, Grenada, Ranks Number One on Tripadvisor.com® (Grenade)

Spice Island Beach Resort, Grenada, Ranks Number One on Tripadvisor.com® (Grenade)

Catégorie : Amérique du Nord et Antilles - Grenade - Expériences exclusives - Récompenses, remises de prix, concours
Ceci est un communiqué de presse sélectionné par notre comité éditorial et mis en ligne gratuitement le 22-07-2008

The luxurious 64-room Spice Island Beach Resort in Grenada (www.spiceislandbeachresort.com) has earned the number one rating as the most popular property on the island based on the TripAdvisor® Popularity Index, a proprietary algorithm that determines traveler satisfaction based on a variety of sources, including TripAdvisor hotel reviews and travel articles and opinions from across the web. TripAdvisor is the largest travel community in the world featuring more than 15 million unbiased hotel reviews and opinions.

“We visit Tripadvisor.com® regularly in order to monitor customer feedback because that’s one of the key ways we can measure the success of our luxury hotel experience,” said Sir Royston O. Hopkin, KCMG, Owner and Chairman of Spice Island Beach Resort.

“Many of the guests we speak with say the customer reviews on Tripadvisor.com help influence their decision to stay with us, and they believe the number one ranking has been proven to be quite accurate,” added Hopkin.

Spice Island Beach Resort has been a preferred choice for Tripadvisor.com users and Grenada travelers in the past; in 2007 the resort won a TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice® Award in the category of Best Luxury Hotel – World.

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