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Six Senses Laamu is thrilled to announce it has received multiple prestigious awards in recognition of its commitment to sustainability, environmental conservation, and community engagement.


Six Senses Laamu is thrilled to announce it has received multiple prestigious awards in recognition of its commitment to sustainability, environmental conservation, and community engagement.

Catégorie : Asie Pacifique - Maldives - Économie du secteur - Expériences exclusives - Récompenses, remises de prix, concours - Développement durable
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In the past month, Six Senses Laamu has been honored to win the following distinguished awards:

Aspire Sustainability Initiative of the Year

The "Sustainability Initiative of the Year" award by luxury travel trade magazine Aspire celebrates remarkable achievements in the high-end travel sector and recognizes the groundbreaking sustainability efforts by Six Senses Laamu.

This accolade showcases the resort's responsible approach to marine conservation with its newly established marine science research and education center, the SHELL (Sea Hub of Environmental Learning in Laamu).

The SHELL is also home to the Maldives Underwater Initiative’s 10 marine biologists, from four organizations, fostering an environment of collaboration, innovation, and education.

Maldives Ministry of Tourism Awards

The resort has also been honored with two awards from the Maldives Ministry of Tourism, the "Community Engagement Award" and the “Environmental Sustainability Award”.

These awards acknowledge the significant impact Six Senses Laamu has made in engaging with local communities and fostering sustainable relationships that benefit both the environment and the people of the Laamu Atoll.

Some of these initiatives include the provision of fresh water by installing water filters at community hubs, the co-design and collaboration of sustainable development projects with community groups, and the engagement of students through the delivery of education programs throughout Laamu Atoll.

Skål Sustainable Tourism Award in the Marine and Coastal Category

Six Senses Laamu's efforts and dedication to sustainable practices and ecosystem protection have earned them the esteemed "Skål Sustainable Tourism Award" in the Marine and Coastal category.

Founded in 1934, Skål International is one of the world’s largest international networks of tourism professionals and an Affiliated Member of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), whose mission is to promote reliable, sustainable, and universally accessible tourism. This award demonstrates the resort's dedication to safeguarding the delicate ecosystems of the Maldives and the holistic engagement of local and global communities through research and education.

Lawrence Menz, Director of Sustainability and Conservation at Six Senses Laamu, stated, “These awards are a testament to the hard work, dedication, and innovation of our team and partners, who continually empower and build the capacity of our local communities, and promote tourism that is both sustainable and responsible.’’

Marteyne van Well, Regional General Manager, Six Senses Maldives, said, "We are tremendously proud of the recognition we have received for our sustainability initiatives and community engagement efforts. We believe that responsible tourism is the only way forward, and we will continue to be at the forefront of initiatives that protect our environment, engage with local communities, and provide an exceptional guest experience."

Six Senses Laamu is known for its deep-rooted commitment to sustainability and marine conservation to preserve the breathtaking beauty and biodiversity of the Laamu Atoll. These recent accolades serve as motivation to elevate these initiatives further.

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