Among the winners are the authors Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Fuchs, Prof. Christian Grataloup, Marianne Salentin-Träger and Rita Henss, Thomas Böhm, Peter Hinze, Boris Herrmann and Andreas Wolfers, Halldór Gudmundsson, Julian Sancton, Jaroslav Rudiš, Jörg Römer and Christoph Seidler, Dieter Richter, Christine Thürmer, Katharina Finke, Susan Tyler Hitchcock, Felix Neureuther with Bernd Ritschel and Michael Ruhland. The author Prof. Dr. Albrecht Steinecke and the Munich-based publisher Afrika-Verlag Ilona Hupe are being honoured with Lifetime Awards. |
Among the winners are the authors Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Fuchs, Prof. Christian Grataloup, Marianne Salentin-Träger and Rita Henss, Thomas Böhm, Peter Hinze, Boris Herrmann and Andreas Wolfers, Halldór Gudmundsson, Julian Sancton, Jaroslav Rudiš, Jörg Römer and Christoph Seidler, Dieter Richter, Christine Thürmer, Katharina Finke, Susan Tyler Hitchcock, Felix Neureuther with Bernd Ritschel and Michael Ruhland. The author Prof. Dr. Albrecht Steinecke and the Munich-based publisher Afrika-Verlag Ilona Hupe are being honoured with Lifetime Awards. |
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With its annual ITB Book Awards, ITB Berlin recognises publications from Germany and abroad, written mainly in German, but also in German translation. Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic there will be no in-person ITB in Berlin this year.
This affects the ITB Book Awards ceremony, which traditionally takes place every year in March at the World’s Leading Travel Trade Show.
The awards are being presented nonetheless, and in 2022 ITB Berlin is again honouring outstanding literary and journalistic achievements with the aim of drawing international attention to a wide range of important travel and tourism publications.
In 2022 the World’s Leading Travel Trade Show is again collaborating with Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels. The ITB Book Awards do not confer prize money.
Winners of the ITB Book Awards 2022
This year’s winners are: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Fuchs, Prof. Christian Grataloup, Marianne Salentin-Träger, Rita Henss, Thomas Böhm, Peter Hinze, Boris Herrmann and Andreas Wolfers, Halldór Gudmundsson, Julian Sancton, Jaroslav Rudiš, Jörg Römer and Christoph Seidler, Dieter Richter, Christine Thürmer, Katharina Finke, Susan Tyler Hitchcock, Felix Neureuther with Bernd Ritschel and Michael Ruhland, Prof. Dr. Albrecht Steinecke, the publisher Afrika-Verlag Ilona Hupe, Thomas Schröder, Jens Wiegand, Stefan Howald, Eva Meret Neuenschwander and Jürg Schneider, Franziska Consolati, Vera Starker and Matthias Schneider, Pia Wieland and Tobias Ertel, Annika Voigt et al, Gottfried Merzbacher with Anna Kordsaia-Samadaschwili, Abo Iaschagaschwili and Kat Menschik, as well as the NG National Geographic Fusion 3701 Executive illuminated globe.
Categories, winners, titles and publishersCategory: Destinations Award ’Frankfurt Book Fair Guest of Honour – Spain’
Two authors’ awards go to Thomas Schröder for the travel guide ‘Nordspanien’, ‘Costa de la Luz – mit Sevilla’ and ‘Andalusien’, and the travel guide on the Balearic island of ‘Mallorca’, all published by Michael Müller Verlag; and to Jens Wiegand for the travel guide ‘Katalonien – Mit Barcelona, Tarragona, Lleida, Girona, Andorra, Costa Brava und Pyrenäen’, published by Trescher VerlagStefan Howald (publisher) | ‘Projekt Schweiz – Vierundvierzig Porträts aus Leidenschaft’, Unionsverlag
Eva Meret Neuenschwander, Jürg Schneider | for the travel guide ‘Schweiz mit Liechtenstein’, published by Reise Know-How Verlag Peter Rump
Category: Background information – Switzerland
Stefan Howald (publisher) | ‘Projekt Schweiz – Vierundvierzig Porträts aus Leidenschaft’, Unionsverlag
Eva Meret Neuenschwander, Jürg Schneider | for the travel guide ‘Schweiz mit Liechtenstein’, published by Reise Know-How Verlag Peter Rump
Category: Special travel books
Category: Travel cookbooks
Culinary journeys
Marianne Salentin-Träger (publisher), Rita Henss et al. | ‘Algarve – Eine kulinarische Reise, Geschichten und Rezepte aus Portugals wildem Süden’, published by Knesebeck Verlag
Category: Special travel books
Travelling in Germany
Thomas Böhm (publisher) | ‘Da war ich eigentlich noch nie – Die Wunderkammer des Reisens in Deutschland’, published by VDK/Verlag Das Kulturelle Gedächtnis
Franziska Consolati | ‘In Deutschland um die Welt – Abenteuer aus allen Kontinenten, für die wir nicht in die Ferne reisen müssen’, published by Conbook Medien/CONBOOKVerlag
A journey to Upper Dolpo/Nepal
Peter Hinze | ‘100 000 Schritte zum Glück – Von der Einfachheit des Lebens im Himalaya’, published by NG Buchverlag
Boris Herrmann and Andreas Wolfers | ‘Allein zwischen Himmel und Meer – Meine 80 Tage beim härtesten Segelrennen der Welt’, published by C. Bertelsmann in der Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe
Category: Literary travel books
Historical expeditions
Julian Sancton | ‘Irrenhaus am Ende der Welt – Die Reise der Belgica in die dunkle antarktische Nacht’ (Belgica expedition, 1897 - 1899), published by Malik/Piper Verlag
Halldór Gudmundsson | ‘Island – Insel aus Geschichten’, published by Corso/Verlagshaus Römerweg
Train journeys
Jaroslav Rudiš | ‘Gebrauchsanweisung fürs Zugreisen’, published by Piper Verlag
Literary travel book series
‘Meine Insel’, published by mareverlag
Category: Hiking
Christine Thürmer | ‘Weite Wege Wandern – Erfahrungen und Tipps von 45.000 Kilometern zu Fuß’, published by Malik/Piper Verlag
Category: Illustrated travel books
The view from space
Jörg Römer and Christoph Seidler (publisher) | ‘Von oben – Die schönsten Geschichten, die Satellitenbilder über die Erde und uns Menschen erzählen’, published by Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt/SPIEGEL-Buch
Wonders of the world
Susan Tyler Hitchcock | ‘NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC – Wie Sie die Welt noch nie gesehen haben’, published by NG Buchverlag
Category: Travelling with children
Children’s crime thriller series
Vera Starker, Matthias Schneider | ‘Die Hauptstadtdetektive – Der erste Fall’, published by RBV Verlag
Family trips
Katharina Finke | ‘Losleben – Vom Mut, loszulassen und als Familie die Welt zu entdecken’, published by Malik/Piper Verlag
Category: Cultures
Dieter Richter | ‘Con gusto – Die kulinarische Geschichte der Italiensehnsucht’, published by Verlag Klaus Wagenbach
Category: Lifetime Awards
Publishers - 2022
Afrika-Verlag Ilona Hupe, München
Authors - 2022
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. (BSU) Albrecht Steinecke, tourism researcher and publicist
Category: Travel calendars
Stefan Forster | ‘Nordische Welten 2022 – Island, Grönland, Färöer, Norwegen’, published by Ackermann Kunstverlag
Category: Specialist tourism literature
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Fuchs (publisher) | ‘Tourismus, Hotellerie und Gastronomie von A bis Z’, published by Walter de Gruyter Verlag
Category: Specialist tourism publications
Pia Wieland & Tobias Ertel (publisher), | ‘Querweltein – Nachhaltig reisen und die Welt entdecken’, published by Knesebeck Verlag
Category: Maps, atlases, globes, knowledge
Prof. Christian Grataloup | ‘Die Erfindung der Kontinente ¬¬– Eine Geschichte der Darstellung der Welt’, published by wbg THEISS in der Wissenschaftlichen Buchgesellschaft
NG National Geographic Fusion 3701 Executive illuminated antique globe from Räthgloben
Category: Management Award of ITB Berlin
Illustrated special-interest travel books
Felix Neureuther, Bernd Ritschel and Michael Ruhland | ‘Unsere Alpen – Ein einzigartiges Paradies und wie wir es erhalten können’, published by NG Buchverlag
Illustrated descriptive travel books
Text: Annika Voigt et al. | ‘Norden – Reise ans Ende der Welt’, published by Kunth Verlag
Georgia – official cultural destination of ITB Berlin 2022
Gottfried Merzbacher, Anna Kordsaia-Samadaschwili, Abo Iaschagaschwili, Kat Menschik (publisher/Illus.) | ‘Durch den wilden Kaukasus – Geschichten über das georgische Traumland Swanetien’, published by Verlag Galiani Berlin
The members of the ITB Book Awards 2022 jury are:
David Ruetz (chair), head of ITB Berlin
Eckart Baier, Buchjournal
Marifé Boix Garcia, Frankfurter Buchmesse
Cornelia Camen, journalist
Prof. Dr. Roland Conrady, Hochschule Worms, Faculty of Tourism & Travel Management
Prof. Dr. Rainer Hartmann, Hochschule Bremen,
Faculty of Social Sciences, Leisure and Tourism Management
Armin Herb, Redaktionsbüro Herb
Rika Jean-François, ITB Berlin, ITB Corporate Social Responsibility
Regine Kiepert, Schropp Land & Karte
Martina Kraus, RavensBuch
Burghard Rauschelbach, geographer and tourism advisor
Raphaela Sabel, journalist
Gerd W. Seidemann, journalist
About ITB Berlin and the ITB Berlin Convention
Since 1966, ITB Berlin has been the World’s Leading Travel Trade Show. The ITB Berlin Convention, the largest event of its kind, will be held in the period originally scheduled for March 2022 as an entirely virtual event on the brand’s website On Thursday, 17 March the Digital Business Day will give the industry an opportunity to exchange views and do business in a virtual setting from anywhere in the world. As a virtual industry marketplace, it is a further addition to the ITB brand family and rounds off the trade show concept. With its new concept, ITB Berlin is planning a total of two in-person satellite events in various markets in summer 2022. 3,513 exhibitors from 120 countries were represented at the virtual edition of ITB Berlin NOW 2021 for the duration of the event. Some 65,700 users visited the new online platform, around two-thirds of whom were from abroad. In 2019 around 10,000 exhibitors from 181 countries displayed their products and services to 160,000 visitors, including 113,500 trade visitors.