Accor: Sustained revenue growth in Q1 2015 Like-for-like increase of 5.6%
HotelServices: +7.6% – HotelInvest: +4.8%
Accor: Sustained revenue growth in Q1 2015 Like-for-like increase of 5.6%
HotelServices: +7.6% – HotelInvest: +4.8%
Category: Worldwide - Industry economy
- Figures / Studies
This is a press release selected by our editorial committee and published online for free on 2015-04-20
First-quarter 2015 business activity was strong across all of the Group’s markets. Revenue totaled €1,225 million, up 5.6% at constant scope of consolidation and exchange rates (LFL), and 7.9% as reported.
HotelInvest, hotel owner and investor: - 4.8% increase in quarterly revenue (LFL) to €1,055 million.
- Strong growth across all regions, notably Northern, Central and Eastern Europe (NCEE, up 6.4%) and Mediterranean, Middle East, Africa (MMEA, up 7.3%), and to a lesser extent the Americas (up 3.5%), where growth was slower than in Q4 2014.
HotelServices, hotel operator and brand franchiser: - 8.4% increase in business volume1 at constant exchange rates to €2.9 billion, driven by development in emerging markets.
- 7.6% like-for-like increase in revenue to €290 million, with strong increases in most markets – Europe excluding France/Mediterranean (NCEE (Northern, Central and Eastern Europe): up 8.8%), Mediterranean, Middle East, Africa (MMEA: up 7.5%) and Asia-Pacific (ASPAC: up 7.0%) – and a slight slowdown compared with Q4 2014 in France (up 6.5%) and the Americas (up 2.2%).
- Accor opened 47 hotels or a total of 7,238 rooms in the three months to March 31, 2015.