Luxury Hospitality Daily News

Figures and statistics

Journal des Palaces has a solid reputation that brings more than 1,201,600 page views per month, only on the Career section of the Journal. The quality of the profiles and the strong willingness to work in an ultra-luxury and luxury environment are also renowned. Journal des Palaces is the place where talents and recruiters meet.

Figures and statistics below are mainly displayed in real-time in order to give you a preview of our strengths in terms of job posting.

Traffic of the Career section

1,201,600 page views per month only on our Career Section (November 2023)

Real-time figures

21,133 applicants in active search within the last 6 months
2,825 recruiting companies who choose us
299 hospitality schools, Alumni networks and trade associations' partners
3,398 subscribers to our newsletter who receive jobs by email.

Applicants statistics

72 % consult jobs at least once a week
48 % think at Journal des Palaces as their first job board or job resource
32 % think at Journal des Palaces as their second job board or job resource (total of 80 %)
25 % learned about Journal des Palaces thanks to a friend or a colleague
48 % learned about Journal des Palaces in an internet research

Are you looking for figures? Contact us via our dialog box at the right bottom of your screen (office hours). We will be pleased to answer questions regarding jobs exposure or quality of our profiles.

Le Journal des Palaces is back in the top Les Echos - Statista recruitment portals: we're still the best site specialising in the hotel industry, with the unwavering support of our candidates, who once again give us 5 stars

We would like to thank and share this trophy with ultra-luxury and luxury hotels, candidates and recruiters who continually encourage us to even greater excellence.

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