Healing through self-care: an at-home wellness journey with Le Spa of Four Seasons Hotel Casablanca (Morocco)
In this season of social distancing, many of us have been given the unexpected gift of more time. Now more than ever, we should use this time to focus on well-being to heal body and mind through self-care. |
Healing through self-care: an at-home wellness journey with Le Spa of Four Seasons Hotel Casablanca (Morocco)
In this season of social distancing, many of us have been given the unexpected gift of more time. Now more than ever, we should use this time to focus on well-being to heal body and mind through self-care. |
Category: Africa Indian Ocean - Morocco - Exclusive experiences
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This is a press release selected by our editorial committee and published online for free on 2020-04-21
Le Spa Manager of Four Seasons Hotel Casablanca Marie Cuvelier is here to help with invaluable tips for exercises that help to d-estress and beauty rituals to give skin and hair that extra care it needs. Self-care is at the heart of Marie’s wellness philosophy, in her belief that “you only get one body, it is the temple of your soul; if you truly treat your body like a temple it will serve you well for decades.”
Follow Four Seasons Hotel Casablanca on Facebook and Instagram for video tutorials for the following at-home wellness tips. Here are some idea from Marie:Exercises to Relax at HomeThe following exercises should be practiced daily and have immense proven benefits including stress reduction, increase of energy and resilience, greater mental clarity, better decision making, increase of intellectual and creative capacities, increase of emotional balance, improvement of listening ability, quality of presence, increase in the level of DHEA (the youth hormone), lower cholesterol, reduction of hypertension, improved sleep and weight loss. - Exercise 1: For this exercise, sit or lay on your back and breathe deeply through the nose. Block your breath while gently tensing your body, from your head to your feet, as if you were stretching. Then relax your body at once while doing quick breaths through the mouth. To reap the full benefits of this exercise, it is recommended to practice it three times a day.
- Exercise 2: Find a calm spot in your home, cross-legged on the floor with your back as straight as possible. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Listen carefully to your body. Then listen and pay attention to the sounds throughout your house. Sounds that are more or less familiar. Take these sounds in without judging and just paying attention. When you are ready, quietly reopen your eyes. You only need five minutes for this exercise and should practice it daily after waking up.
- Exercise 3: Rule of 365 or cardiac coherence. Sit on a chair, back straight, feet on the ground with your hands on your knees. Focus your attention on your heart by placing a hand on it and closing your eyes so as not to disperse. Inhale and exhale slowly five seconds each time. You can help yourself by using a stopwatch or by drawing, at the same time as you breathe, a wave on a sheet of paper (you go up the wave with the inspiration, you go down with the expiration). The inspiration must be deep, regular and go down to the belly. The slower the breathing, the better the benefits. Each inspiration and each expiration must last approximately five seconds each, at the rate of six respiratory cycles per minute. Practice this exercise three times a day, six breathes per minute and for five minutes.
Beauty Rituals for Radiance - Yoga Facial: To relax the frontal lobe, begin by putting your two hands on top of each other on the forehead. Massage in small movements from the bottom up, about 15 times. Stop the movements but keep your hands on your forehead, then take a deep breath and exhale by releasing the head, drop it forwards sliding the hands which should go up to the level of the skull. Take a deep breath again and repeat three more times.
- Radiant Skin: Make room for vegetable oil in your bathroo;, this oil can be found in versatile beauty products that are too often underestimated such as sweet almond, coconut, jojoba or argan for example. Choose your natural oil and give it the place it deserves on your bathroom shelf. For even more nourishment add two or three drops to your usual cream, with baby skin effect guaranteed. To fight puffy eyes and dark circles, dilute a teaspoon of honey in lukewarm water. Soak two cottons and place them on your eyes for 10 minutes, soon after the traces of fatigue will disappear.
- Natural Hair Treatments: The following recipe is a natural remedy to treat dull hair and to regain shine: mix three tablespoons of honey and five tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Leave for 20 minutes on wet hair, then rinse and apply your usual shampoo. For even greater results distribute your argan oil over all of your lengths and ends and let your hair soak in the oil for an hour, or overnight.