Hotwire Reveals Canadian Hotel Rate Report for August 2010 (Canada)
Hotwire Reveals Canadian Hotel Rate Report for August 2010 (Canada)
Category: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - Canada - Industry economy
- Figures / Studies
This is a press release selected by our editorial committee and published online for free on 2010-08-19
Halifax Tops This Month's List, Which is Otherwise Dominated by Ontario Cities®, a leading discount travel site, today announced the results of the August 2010 Hotwire® Canadian Hotel Rate Report, which features the top five cities in Canada where hotel rates have dropped the most. When combined with Hotwire's already discounted prices, the Hotel Rate Report helps guide customers to the destinations that can maximize their travel dollars. Halifax, Nova Scotia jumps to the top of this month's hotel rate report with a 15 percent drop, while Ontario cities round out the rest the of the top five.
The strength of the Canadian dollar continues to affect travel and hotel prices in many areas of Canada, particularly in Halifax. This popular vacation destination is seeing a small return in leisure travel as compared to last year, but primarily from domestic travelers. The exchange rate continues to stunt international demand and this trend, coupled with the several new hotels that have come on board this year, continue to cause prices to fall.
If travelers are looking to explore the great province of Ontario, August is a great month to visit. Most of Ontario is still trying to recover from the downturned economy, which has proven to be difficult as most of the area's business demand comes from the slowly recovering oil industry. As larger, more popular cities like Toronto have stabilized, many hotels in mid-size and smaller locales continue to lower prices in order to attract visitors.
Hotwire is able to find great deals because it works with hotels, airlines and car rental companies to fill unsold inventory. This means customers will find incredibly low deals on Hotwire, especially in cities like those on the Hotel Rate Report where prices are unseasonably low.
When compared to the same time last year, the top five hotel price reductions for August 2010 include:
Price Example of a Current Hotwire
Rank Hotel Market Drop Deal, CAD$/Night
1 Halifax, NS -15% 3.5-star $84
2 Barrie, ON -12% 3-star $83
3 ON -9% 3-star $72
4 London, ON -5% 3.5-star $74
5 Cambridge, ON -5% 3 -star $81
"With hotel prices down in many destinations throughout Canada, and with fantastic summer weather throughout the country, August is a great time to grab a deal, particularly in eastward locations," said Clem Bason, President of the Hotwire Group. "Keep an eye out for hotels in Ontario and Nova Scotia in particular for great values."