Etihad to join sustainable aviation fuel users group
Etihad to join sustainable aviation fuel users group
Category: Worldwide
This is a press release selected by our editorial committee and published online for free on 2009-12-14
Etihad Airways has joined the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Users Group (SAFUG), an airline-led industry working group established in 2008 to accelerate the commercialisation and availability of sustainable biofuels.
James Hogan, Etihad Airways’ chief executive, said: ““Etihad recognises the need for step-changes in aviation to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and meet our industry’s carbon reduction goal. We also recognise that any fuel alternatives must be morally, socially and environmentally acceptable, while not compromising the future sustainability of the aviation industry.”
SAFUG members are bound by stringent criteria for the development of non fossil fuels, including the following:
• The development of plant sources must be undertaken in a manner that is non-competitive with food, with biodiversity impacts minimised and without jeopardizing drinking water supplies.
• The total lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions from plant growth, harvesting, processing and end-use should be significantly less than that from fossil sources.
• In developing economies, development projects should include provisions or outcomes that improve socio-economic conditions for small-scale farmers and their families and that do not require the involuntary displacement of local populations.
• High conservation value areas and native eco-systems should not be cleared and converted for jet fuel plant source development.
Each SAFUG member has pledged to work through the Roundtable for Sustainable Biofuels (RSB), a global multi-stakeholder initiative consisting of leading environmental organizations, financiers, biofuel developers, biofuel-interested petroleum companies, the transportation sector, developing-world poverty alleviation associations, research entities, and governments.
“Abu Dhabi, our home base, has itself made a strong commitment towards sustainability and in the promotion of renewable energy through the establishment of Masdar City, which will the headquarters of the International Renewable Energy Agency,” Mr Hogan said.