Choice Hotels International Teams Up with Rebuilding Together for Make a Difference Day 2009
Choice Hotels International Teams Up with Rebuilding Together for Make a Difference Day 2009
Category: Worldwide
This is a press release selected by our editorial committee and published online for free on 2009-10-23
Choice Hotels International, Inc. (NYSE:CHH) is pleased to support Rebuilding Together's 2009 Make a Difference Day on October 24th. Make a Difference Day is an encompassing national day of helping others -- a celebration of neighbors helping neighbors. In 2008, three million people cared enough about their communities to volunteer on that day, accomplishing thousands of projects in hundreds of towns.
This year, Choice Hotels franchisees and employees will join Rebuilding Together volunteers across the country to help hundreds of homeowners and their families. This fall, an estimated 700 Choice Hotels volunteers, including both Choice employees as well as Choice owners and operators, will put in nearly 5,000 volunteer hours dedicated to Rebuilding Together projects.
In addition, for every volunteer who joins the Choice Privileges® rewards program before December 31, 2009, Choice Hotels will donate $1.00 to Rebuilding Together up to $50,000. Each Rebuilding Together volunteer who joins Choice Privileges before December 31, 2009 can receive up to 1,000 Choice Privileges bonus points. Volunteers who sign up for Choice Privileges through this promotion receive 500 points and an additional 500 points for completing an eligible stay prior to December 31, 2009.