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Banyan Tree Gallery blossoms with appreciation for mothers

Banyan Tree Gallery blossoms with appreciation for mothers

Category: Asia Pacific
This is a press release selected by our editorial committee and published online for free on 2008-04-23

In celebration of all mothers this Mother’s Day, Banyan Tree Gallery shows appreciation for the most important woman in everyone’s lives.

Inspired by the women that come in all arrays of likenesses, Banyan Tree Gallery’s ASEAN Blossoms series showcases the 10 national flowers of each ASEAN country. Through a stylised reinterpretation of national flowers like the Vanda Miss Joaquim Orchid (Singapore), Hibiscus (Malaysia), Frangipani (Laos) and Lotus (Vietnam), Banyan Tree Gallery has elegantly depicted and cleverly adapted these flowers throughout the entire collection. These charming designs have been combined into a collage of items consisting of a set of cork coasters, cushion cover, silk placemat and table runner featuring motifs and embroidery, wrist bag, pouch, compact mirror and fan kit.

The collection is available from 21 April 2008 at many Banyan Tree Gallery locations as well as online at

Of particular significance would be the ASEAN Prosperity collection, which features modern interpretations of stalks of rice in a myriad of products. Like mothers, rice, the Asian symbol of fertility and prosperity, is held in high esteem by rice-growing countries. This collection includes a Porcelain Tea Set, Lacquer Tea Boxes as well as Trinket Boxes to name a few.

An alternative tribute to all mothers would be the specially developed IWD (International Women’s Day) silk clutch purses. Available in the four official international women’s colours, these vibrant clutch purses designed to celebrate and reflect the colourful and vibrant lives of women with white representing purity, purple symbolising dignity and self-respect, green standing for hope and gold signifying a new dawn. Delicately embroidered motifs of Thai native flowers adorn the silk purses and complement its exquisite beauty.

The driving inspiration behind the design of the ASEAN collections and IWD silk purses is in line with Banyan Tree Gallery’s business ethos of promoting cultural heritage and community craft. In addition, the Gallery also seeks to empower local artisans through gainful employment, as demonstrated in its early beginnings which started with the commission of traditional “maun” cushions handcrafted by women villagers in Thailand.

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