We at Five Star Alliance can barely contain our excitement at the launch of our new The Informed Traveler blog - no longer are we just your monthly newsletter. What exactly is a blog, you ask? The word's 2002 inclusion in the New York Times Magazine column "On Language" was indicative of a fast-growing trend in the online community. Columnist William Safire recognized that this new word (short for "weblog") had made its debut in the English language. Merriam-Webster - which chose "blog" as its 2004 word of the year - defines the weblog as "a site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer."
Beyond this, the Informed Traveler is an online magazine focusing on luxury travel and the world's snazziest hotels. Every day the blog features a different luxury hotel, travel industry updates, travel articles, and special offers. You can even sign up for the RSS feed to get the daily updates delivered straight to My Yahoo! or your RSS reader.
Most importantly, the blog is a forum for our readers to discuss their favorite (and least favorite) hotels, travel experiences, questions and comments. Found the perfect new restaurant in London? The ultimate boutique hideaway in Buenos Aires? Let us and the world know! Disagree with a Five Star Alliance choice for the world's best business hotel? Correct us! We want to hear from you. The blog allows an outlet for your feedback about your travel experiences. It is a place for YOUR commentary, ideas, and hotel reviews. We look forward to hearing from you!