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Published on Wednesday 12 April
Categories: Worldwide - Indonesia - Suppliers
Interface to provide hotels seamless data transfer in real-time
Published on Thursday 06 April
Categories: Europe - Estonia - Suppliers
Expands visibility through eRevMax's wide channel connectivity
Published on Friday 24 March
Categories: Europe - Spain - Suppliers
Inspirada en por la oliva y sus propiedades reconocidas, la nueva línea de productos de cortesía estará disponible en abril en los mejores hoteles y en los...
Published on Thursday 30 March
Categories: Europe - United Kingdom - Suppliers
Facilitates real-time updates for connected serviced apartments
Published on Friday 24 March
Categories: Europe - Germany - Suppliers
Die neue Hotelkosmetiklinie wurde durch die Olive und ihre berühmten Eigenschaften inspiriert und wird ab April weltweit in den besten Hotels und Spas zur...
Published on Friday 24 March
Categories: Europe - United Kingdom - Suppliers
Inspired by olive and its renowned properties, the new amenity line will be available in April in the finest hotels and luxury spas worldwide.
Published on Thursday 23 March
Categories: Europe - Germany - Suppliers
Signs up new clients and partners
Published on Tuesday 07 March
Categories: Europe - Suppliers
Portugal’s largest international tourism and leisure group and the 25th largest in Europe, Pestana Hotel Group, has completed a global rollout of SiteMinder’s...
Published on Thursday 23 February
Categories: Europe - Germany - Suppliers
German hotel optimizes resource efficiency using eRevMax’s 2-way XML ecosystem
Published on Friday 17 February
Categories: Europe - United Kingdom - Suppliers
Hotels generate $2.1 billion worth of online bookings with eRevMax
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