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Published on Thursday 27 July
Categories: Worldwide - Suppliers
New integration with RateTiger gives 9,000 hotels a new last-minute distribution channel
Published on Wednesday 26 July
Categories: Asia Pacific - Malaysia - Suppliers
The resort has reduced labor costs and loss by automating its uniform-management system—reading RFID tags on garments as they are turned into the laundry...
Published on Thursday 20 July
Categories: Africa Indian Ocean - Morocco - Suppliers
Offers integrated distribution solution to hotels
Published on Thursday 29 June
Categories: Europe - Suppliers
Customers can now rent any of 700+ vehicles available on Lurento and pay with BTC.
Published on Thursday 29 June
Categories: Worldwide - Suppliers
Chooses RTConnect for maximising online revenue for additional properties
Published on Tuesday 20 June
Categories: Asia Pacific - Thailand - Suppliers
DusitPrincess Srinakarin Bangkok Hotel recommends RateTiger for channel management and rate data
Published on Thursday 08 June
Categories: Asia Pacific - China - Suppliers
Hotel sáv improves efficiency with real-time channel management
Published on Friday 02 June
Categories: Europe - United Kingdom - Suppliers
Study reveals stark health and wellbeing impact of poorly-lit workplace environments
Published on Wednesday 17 May
Categories: Europe - Spain - Suppliers
Lurento is the largest high-end car rental marketplace. Launched in November 2016, the marketplace aims to take over a €6.2bn luxury car rental market.
Published on Tuesday 09 May
Categories: Europe - Germany - Suppliers
Die international im Bereich der Hotelkosmetik führende Groupe GM hat ihre weitere Zusammenarbeit mit Spaniens führender Hotelkette "Meliá Hotels...
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