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INDEPENDENT HOTEL SHOW Du 11/3/2025 au 12/3/2025 RAI Amsterdam, Hall 12 Pays-Bas
Showcasing true innovation and coveted ideas, The Concept Lab will present a hand-picked collection of the industry’s most forward-thinking independent brands offering unique and exciting solutions to implement in your hotel; providing a first look at the possibilities surrounding the future of the hotel experience. ...
| SALON MONDIAL DU TOURISME Du 13/3/2025 au 16/3/2025 Paris Expo - Pavillon 4 France
C'est le rendez-vous annuel des passionnés de voyages, à la recherche d’idées et de conseils pour leurs prochaines vacances....
| HOTEL, RESTAURANT AND CATERING - HRC Du 17/3/2025 au 19/3/2025 ExCel London Royaume-Uni
Food, Drink & Hospitality Week unites IFE Manufacturing, IFE, The Pub Show, HRC and International Salon Culinaire as the UK's biggest celebration of industry innovation.
| INTERNATIONAL HOTEL TECHNOLOGY FORUM (IHTF) Du 18/3/2025 au 20/3/2025 TBC Portugal
The meeting place for hoteliers and innovators in hospitality
Join leading hotels in the region to discuss new trends and opportunities and learn the latest innovations and technological developments in hospitality and expand your knowledge to stay ahead of the game
Find the right solution providers to partner with to accelerate your project timeline and achieve the optimal result....
| HOTEL & RESTAURANT MEETINGS Du 18/3/2025 au 20/3/2025 Palais des Festivals de Cannes France
HOTEL & RESTAURANT MEETINGS est un salon one to one Meetings dédié aux professionnels dont l’objectif est de favoriser le « face à face » direct entre Top Décideurs et Exposants par le biais de rendez-vous pré-organisés et ultra qualifiés en amont de l’événement dans une ambiance décontractée et chaleureuse.
Son objectif est de faire se rencontrer en face à face des Exposants avec des solutions et des Acheteurs aux projets validés et vérifiés,...
| FOOD HOTEL TECH (PARIS) Du 19/3/2025 au 20/3/2025 Porte de Versailles, Paris - Paris Expo Hall 7.1 France
Food Hotel Tech est le salon du digital et des innovations technologiques dédiées à l’hôtellerie et la restauration.
Nouveau rendez-vous fédérateur du marché, Food Hotel Tech accompagne les professionnels du CHR dans la connaissance et l'intégration des meilleures innovations technologiques et digitales à travers un parcours client, clair, cohérent et à forte valeur ajoutée....
| TROPHÉE DAVID CAMPBELL Du 19/3/2025 au 23/3/2025 Athènes Grèce
Le Trophée David Campbell garde toujours pour objectif de promouvoir le métier de réceptionniste aux nouvelles générations et d’être un outil de formations pour les chefs de réception. Le trophée est organisé lors du Congrès International de l’AICR. ...
| 51ST EHMA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Du 28/3/2025 au 30/3/2025 Renaissance Warsaw Airport Hotel Pologne
Discover how creativity and design are shaping the future of luxury hospitality in this dynamic and vibrant city.
This event will feature thought-provoking sessions, renowned speakers, and an opportunity to witness Polish traditional hospitality at its finest....
| CONGRESS LES CLEFS D'OR Du 30/3/2025 au 4/4/2025 Madrid Espagne
| INTERNATIONAL HOSPITALITY INVESTMENT FORUM Du 31/3/2025 au 2/4/2025 InterContinental Berlin and Pullman, Berlin Allemagne
Join senior leaders. Connect with top brands.
Rub shoulders with forward-thinking investors, owners and developers at the leading annual conference and exhibition for the global hospitality industry.
Quite simply, you can’t get this level of access anywhere else. At IHIF, we provide the connections, you do the deals. ...
| ILTM AFRICA Du 6/4/2025 au 8/4/2025 Kirstenbosch National Botanical Gardens, Cape Town Afrique du Sud
Africa's leading luxury travel event
ILTM Africa gives leaders in the African luxury travel market every opportunity to re-connect, build relationships and grow their business. An invitation-only event, the very best travel agents from across the globe meet Africa’s most spectacular luxury travel experience providers....
| ARABIAN TRAVEL MARKET Du 28/4/2025 au 1/5/2025 Dubai World Trade Centre, UAE Émirats arabes unis
Over the last three decades Arabian Travel Market has become a leading global event enabling growth for the travel and tourism industry.
In a world where travel transcends boundaries and business opportunities await, there is a place where global travel and tourism visionaries unite. A platform where leisure blends seamlessly with business, MICE & luxury travel and global leaders come to feel the future.
One event encompasses it all…
| ILTM LATIN AMERICA Du 5/5/2025 au 8/5/2025 São Paulo Brésil
The richness of Latin American culture welcomes the finest travel brands, advisors and media to our Brazilian home, São Paulo. Creating exciting itineraries, bold new business and lifelong bonds all take place in the alpha city.
New advisors, bursting diaries and cultural celebrations sum up the ILTM Latin America experience. Arrive with a great passion for our industry and leave with a jillion new adventures....

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Hôtel Christopher, The Brando, Hôtel Byblos, Le Meurice, Le Royal Monceau, Raffles Paris, The Peninsula Paris, Sofitel Arc de Triomphe Paris, Maison Albar Hotels – L'Imperator, Mondrian Bordeaux, Les Roches Blanches, Hôtel Kimpton,
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