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European hospitality industry elects leadership.


European hospitality industry elects leadership.

Category: Europe - Poland - Industry economy - Associations and Unions
This is a press release selected by our editorial committee and published online for free on 2024-10-18

European Hospitality Industry Elects Leadership

European Hospitality Industry Elects Leadership
Photo credit © Hotels, restaurants et cafés en Europe (HOTREC)

European hospitality leaders gathered in Warsaw to elect the President of HOTREC, the Executive Committee (ExCom), and the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee (SSD). Alexandros Vassilikos (Greece) was unanimously re-elected for a second term as President of HOTREC, Morten Thorvaldsen (Norway) was nominated Vice-President, Adrian Cummins (Ireland) was appointed Treasurer, and Sami Nisametdin (Finland) was elected Chair of SSD.

Alexandros Vassilikos, HOTREC President, stated: “It is an honour to be re-elected as President of HOTREC. Hotels, restaurants and cafés are essential for Europe. Hospitality is a catalyst for social interaction, grows local economies by creating jobs, and helps preserve the European way of life.” He continued: “The landmark decision to create a new Commissioner portfolio for tourism shows the support at European level to create a resilient and competitive sector.”

Hospitality representatives from across Europe discussed pressing industry concerns and upcoming EU rules that will shape the future of the sector. Topics included Polish EU Presidency priorities, evolving tourism trends, travel connectivity and airlines, sustainability, digitalisation, and the latest policy developments impacting the hospitality industry.

Marie Audren, HOTREC Director General, commented: “HOTREC’s General Assembly is a unique opportunity for European hospitality leaders to share best sustainability practices and discuss emerging digital trends. HOTREC stands ready for the EU’s next chapter, to engage with new Commissioners and collaborate with MEPs.”

On behalf of HOTREC, Alexandros Vassilikos concluded: “My heartfelt thanks to the Chamber of Commerce of the Polish Hotel Industry (IGHP) for their exceptional hospitality. We look forward to reuniting with our members again in April 2025 at our next General Assembly in Copenhagen, Denmark.”

The new HOTREC Executive Committee (ExCom): Alexandros Vassilikos - President (Greece), Morten Thorvaldsen - Vice President (Norway), Adrian Cummins - Treasurer (Ireland), Alessandro Cavaliere (Italy), Alexandre Archier (France), Fedja Pobegajlo (Slovenia), Hans Kant (Netherlands), Elisabeth Haglund (Sweden), Maria Schreiner (Austria), Markus Luthe (Germany), and Ludo Geurden (Belgium).

The new Sectoral Social Dialogue (SSD) Committee: Sami Nisametdin – Chair (Finland), Andrea Chiriatti (Italy), Fatima Hollander (Sweden), Emilio Gallego Zuazo (Spain), and Karina Lafrenz (Denmark).

The new Financial Committee: Bernard Zenzerović (Croatia) and Kristin Krohn Devold (Norway).

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