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Today, Club Med announces the appointments of Gino Andreetta, Gregory Lanter and Andrew Xu as Deputy CEOs, and the extension of the functions Anne Browaeys and Sylvie Brisson, on the proposal of Henri Giscard d’Estaing, President of Club Med, and in agreement with the company’s shareholder Fosun Tourism Group.


Today, Club Med announces the appointments of Gino Andreetta, Gregory Lanter and Andrew Xu as Deputy CEOs, and the extension of the functions Anne Browaeys and Sylvie Brisson, on the proposal of Henri Giscard d’Estaing, President of Club Med, and in agreement with the company’s shareholder Fosun Tourism Group.

Category: Worldwide - Careers - Appointments
This is a press release selected by our editorial committee and published online for free on 2024-10-08

This new organization will become effective from November 1st.

These appointments follow the departure of Michel Wolfovski who has highly contributed to Club Med financial performance and transformation since he joined the company in 1998.

In addition to their current scope and under the authority of Henri Giscard d’Estaing, Michel Wolfovski’s roles will be distributed within the Executive Committee as follows:
• Gino Andreetta, CEO Resorts Europe-Africa, will supervise the South America Business Unit headed by Janyck Daudet
• Gregory Lanter, Chief Development/Construction and Mountain Strategy, will co-supervise the Asia-Pacific Business Unit, headed by Rachael Harding and Jean-Charles Fortoul
• Andrew Xu, CEO China, will now lead the Finance department: Edmund Choi, who took up the position of Chief Financial Officer last February and is member of the Executive Committee will report to him. Andrew will also co-supervise the Asia-Pacific Business Unit with Gregory.Furthermore, Anne Browaeys and Sylvie Brisson will have their responsibilities extended:

• Anne Browaeys, CEO France Europe-Africa Markets, will supervise the North America Business Unit headed by Carolyne Doyon
• Sylvie Brisson, CEO Human Resources Group and CSR will supervise the General Counsel.

Finally, Quentin Briard, CEO Marketing, Digital and Technologies, will be in charge, alongside Henri Giscard d'Estaing, of the design and implementation of “Club Med 2030” strategic project.

This new organization, which is supported by seasoned and experienced members of the Club Med’s management team, is implemented with the full support of Fosun Tourism Group.

It aims at placing Club Med in a new development phase, which will result in a new strategicproject “Club Med 2030” and will allow to seize each growth opportunity that could arise, particularly in the company’s high potential markets.

Henri Giscard d’Estaing, President of Club Med, states:
« I am delighted by the appointments of Gino, Gregory and Andrew as Deputy CEOs and the strengthening of Anne and Sylvie’s roles, whom I know are all respected, committed and experienced. They will allow us to continue to successfully implement our current strategy and project Club Med towards new horizons.

In an uncertain macro-economic and geopolitical environment, it is necessary to be agile and efficient to seize each opportunity, to address the many challenges and consolidate our position as a global tourism champion with French roots.

I would like to thank warmly Michel Wolfovski, on behalf of the Board of Directors and all GO & GE, for his material contribution to the transformation period of Club Med, thanks to his commitment and strategic vision.

His departure comes at a time when Club Med is reaping the benefits of this strategy with record results and a Resort portfolio that has never been so beautiful in its 75-year history.

Gino Andreetta

Born in 1965

Graduated from the Haute Ecole de la Province de Liège (Belgium), Gino Andreetta joined Club Med in 1988 as a Mini Club G.O. He then worked in several Resorts, particularly as Chef of Village.

In 2000, he became Regional Director of Operations in Turkey, then, he was appointed Vice President of Operations and Products for North America, Mexico and the Caribbean in 2004.

In 2007, Gino Andreetta became Vice President of Human Resources G.O Monde.

In 2010, he became General Director of Club Med for Italy and Switzerland. Then, his role expanded as Sales and Marketing Director for Turkey, Spain and Portugal.

In 2015, Gino Andreetta was chosen by Henri Giscard d’Estaing to become CEO of Club Med China, based in Shanghai and became a member of the Executive Committee.

In 2019, Gino Andreetta was appointed Managing Director of Resorts Europe, Africa, Middle East, Indian Ocean and French West Indies.

Gregory Lanter

Born in 1980

Graduated in 2004 from HEC Paris business school (France), Gregory Lanter joined Club Med and its development teams the same year, in charge of Africa and the Middle East.

In 2009, he was appointed Vice President of Global Development; in 2012, his responsibilities expanded to include construction and design.

In 2018, he was appointed by Henri Giscard d’Estaing as CEO Development and Construction & Property and joined the Executive Committee of Club Med.

In 2021, he expanded his scope and became responsible for Club Med's Mountain Strategy.

Andrew (Bingbin) Xu

Born in 1980

Graduated with a bachelor's degree in economics from Shanghai University (China), then with a master's degree in international business at Monash University (Australia) in 2005. Andrew Xu joined CITIC Group China International Economic Consulting Co. Shanghai Branch, in 2006 as Assistant General Manager, in charge of mergers and acquisitions, investments and strategic consulting.

In 2009, Andrew Xu joined the Fosun group as Investment Director, and then Managing Director in charge of overseas investments, including Club Med. He joined the board of directors of Club Med and its audit committee in 2015.

In 2021, he was appointed by Henri Giscard d’Estaing as CEO Club Med China and joined the Executive Committee of Club Med.

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