As part of its commitment to responsible tourism, Small Luxury Hotels of the World has recently launched a "Caring Luxury" initiative. Through responsible tourism practices, SLH will demonstrate that luxury can be both enriching and rewarding, all the while enjoying the comforts and service of a luxury hotel experience.
Small Luxury Hotels of the World is the first group of small, independent, luxury hotels to adopt such an initiative and it comes at a time when an increasing number of global travellers are concerned about the impact that tourism is having on the environments, economies and communities in which it functions. Particular concerns include environmental damage and destruction, social and cultural degradation and economic hardships on local communities. However, by practising caring luxury, hotels can help maximise the positive effects of tourism, such as creating jobs and benefiting small businesses, enhancing guests' awareness of local culture and traditions and identifying ways to conserve and protect areas.
Responsible tourism encompasses much more than "eco-tourism" - it is about adopting responsible environmental, social and economic practices that will bring real benefits to the community in which the individual hotels operate. By adopting caring luxury practices, Small Luxury Hotels of the World's properties meet the needs of visitors and the destination, while minimising the negative effects of tourism by protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future. All in all, caring luxury is about making better places to live and visit, while at the same time providing enriching and rewarding experiences for guests who stay at SLH member hotels.
A number of Small Luxury Hotels of the World properties already offer good examples of caring luxury - with programmes and efforts ranging from using locally grown produce to building schools for local villagers. By the end of 2006, it is SLH's goal that every one of its member hotels will engage to some degree in "caring luxury", be it social, cultural or environmental.
Responsible Tourism Caring Luxury Award
As a demonstration of its commitment to caring luxury, SLH has for the first time introduced a Responsible Tourism Caring Luxury category into its annual awards ceremony. The winner of the inaugural award in 2005 was Hotel Punta Islita in Costa Rica, which was commended in the following areas:
Social/cultural: The hotel has opened a Contemporary Open Air Community Art Museum and provides collaboration between established Cost Rican artists and local talent.
Environmental: The hotel has developed the Camaronal Beach protection project to help protect nesting turtles and has also created environmental awareness community workshops.
Economic: Original works by the Community Arts groups are displayed and sold in the hotel gift shop. The hotel restaurant uses local organic herbs, fruits and vegetables and sources seafood from the local fisherman. Some of the hotel's furniture is also purchased from a local carpenter.