Luxury Hospitality Daily News

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Published on Tuesday 22 February
Categories: Asia Pacific - India - Career - Career
The International Institute of Hotel Management has launched a world-class Pastry School, IIHM Institute of Patisserie and Culinary (IIPC) headed by renowned...
Published on Monday 14 February
Categories: Asia Pacific - India - Career - Career
The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts announces the launch of Leela Leadership Development Programme (LLDP), in response to a growing need for talent to...
Published on Thursday 03 February
Categories: Asia Pacific - India - Events - What's new?
The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts launches ‘Tishya by The Leela’, the brand’s signature fragrance with an all-new range of exclusively crafted bath...
Published on Monday 31 January
Categories: Asia Pacific - India - Events - Calendar
3 full days of virtual business appointments and digital conference programme
Published on Friday 15 October
Categories: Asia Pacific - India - Industry economy - Hotel openings
To reinterpret the regal ambiance of a bygone era dating back 700 years, 14th-century Six Senses Fort Barwara has been sensitively transformed into a 48-suite...
Published on Friday 08 October
Categories: Asia Pacific - India - Events - What's new? - Ultimate Luxury Experiences - Back to nature
It is that time of the year again – the jungles are calling and Taj Safaris, India’s first and only luxury wildlife circuit, is now welcoming guests back to...
Published on Monday 13 September
Categories: Asia Pacific - India - Career - Appointments
The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts announced the appointment of Satish Kumar P. as General Manager for the luxury beach resort, The Leela Goa.
Published on Tuesday 07 September
Categories: Asia Pacific - India - Career - Appointments
The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts, announced the appointment of Madhav Sehgal as the General Manager of The Leela Palace Bengaluru.
Published on Wednesday 01 September
Categories: Asia Pacific - India - Industry economy - Hotel openings
First of its kind, the hotel is built on the airspace of a conventional railway station, 22 meters above ground and is the tallest building and the largest...
Published on Tuesday 31 August
Categories: Asia Pacific - India - Career - Appointments
In her role, Megha will spearhead and drive sales performance thus fortifying The Leela’s Sales and Distribution network and strategies.
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