Luxury Hospitality Daily News

Here you will find the latest news in the category North America & West Indies / Carribean islands

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Four Seasons I - Horizon Lounge
Published on Tuesday 11 March
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - Canada - Events - What's new? - Ultimate Luxury Experiences - Wine & Dine - Sea, Cruises, Yachting, Paradise Islands...
Four Seasons unveils its 11 restaurant and bar concepts aboard its first yacht, creating memorable moments to sip and savour at sea in 2026 and beyond.
Explore the bioluminescent waters of Mosquito Bay in Vieques under a starry sky
Article by Asia Abadie
Published on Monday 10 March
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - Puerto Rico - Industry economy - Tourism
Puerto Rico, la isla del encanto, entra en una nueva era de viajes de lujo.
Puerto Rico, the island of enchantment, is stepping into a new era of luxury travel
Article by Asia Abadie
Published on Monday 10 March
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - Puerto Rico - Industry economy - Tourism
Puerto Rico, the island of enchantment, is stepping into a new era of luxury travel.
The Beverly Hills Hotel-Art-Curators-Liza Shapiro, Georgia Powell, Lily Ackerman team
Published on Monday 10 March
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - United States - Events - What's new? - Ultimate Luxury Experiences - Culture
As part of an inspired new art programming initiative, Dorchester Collection's Los Angeles properties, The Beverly Hills Hotel and Hotel Bel-Air, have...
The Resort’s popular snorkel sails and whale watch tours will feature special guests, with naturalists or marine specialists joining the crew, including Kristin Belew, a marine biologist who also serves as Captain and divemaster
Published on Monday 10 March
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - United States - Industry economy - Sustainability - What's new? - Ultimate Luxury Experiences - Back to nature
This March 16-21, 2025, guests can take part in an array of activities on land and sea during a special week-long celebration of ocean life at Four Seasons...
The Suntory Room can be reserved for private whiskey tastings, intimate cocktail parties featuring food pairings curated in partnership with the hotel's culinary team
Published on Friday 07 March
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - United States - Industry economy - Gastronomy - Renovation / Extension
Two historic brands, the century-old House of Suntory and the legendary Hotel Bel-Air, a Dorchester Collection Hotel, have come together to create a bespoke,...
News recommended by our desk
Published on Thursday 06 March
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - United States - Industry economy - New brand / Affiliation
The Trailblazing Hospitality Company behind 1 Hotels & Homes, Baccarat Hotels & Residences, and Treehouse Hotels enters a new era under visionary founder Barry...
V.l.n.r.: Vicente Salas Hesselbach (Managing Director, ITB Americas), Gustavo Staufert (Generaldirektor, Guadalajara Convention and Visitors Bureau), Michelle Fridman Hirsch (Generalsekretärin des Bundesstaates Jalisco), Dr. Mario Tobias (Geschäftsführer der Messe Berlin), Virginia Messina (Senior Vice President für Advocacy und Kommunikation, WTTC), Francisco José (Botschafter Mexikos), David Ruetz (Senior Vice President, Messe Berlin)
News recommended by our desk
Published on Wednesday 05 March
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - United States - Industry economy - Tourism - Calendar
ITB continues to expand: From 10 to 12 November 2026, ITB Americas will celebrate its debut as a B2B tourism trade show in Guadalajara, Mexico.
Julien Berrut, Director of Guest Relations at the Intercontinental Boston
Interview made by Sonia Taourghi
Published on Thursday 27 February
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - United States - Career - Career - Interviews
After discovering his calling, Julien Berrut transformed a family legacy into a personal passion for the art of hospitality.
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