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Published on Wednesday 14 February
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - United States - Industry economy - Hotel projects
Marriott International, Inc. (NASDAQ: MAR) and global development firm Witkoff announced today a plan to open a new resort at 2755 Las Vegas Boulevard South.
Published on Thursday 08 February
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - United States - Events - What's new? - Ultimate Luxury Experiences - Sea, Cruises, Yachting, Paradise Islands...
Culturally rooted, premium beachfront property invites guests to explore and enjoy with $200 resort credit
Published on Friday 02 February
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - United States - Events - What's new?
Marriott International’s eco-conscious longer-stay brand Element Hotels and S’well, the fashionable, reusable hydration accessory company, are launching a...
Published on Monday 29 January
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - United States - Industry economy - New brand / Affiliation
Cherished Century City landmark in the midst of a $2.5 billion redevelopment project will reopen in 2018.
News recommended by our desk
Published on Friday 26 January
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - United States - Industry economy - Renovation / Extension
The Peninsula Beverly Hills is proud to announce the completion of a four-month redesign of its 195 guest rooms, including 38 suites and 17 private villas.
Published on Tuesday 23 January
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - United States - Events - What's new? - Ultimate Luxury Experiences - Upcoming events - - Romantic getaway
From Moonstruck on Michigan stay package to a multi-course dinner, Hotel is poised to be the ultimate destination this February
Published on Monday 22 January
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - United States - Career - Career
Flexible jobs expand company's highly ranked remote career program
Published on Tuesday 16 January
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - United States - Industry economy - New brand / Affiliation
Historic Hotels of America has inducted 20 historic hotels into membership in 2017.
Published on Monday 15 January
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - United States - Suppliers
"Our sales team has been so excited to use VR in conversations with clients" Amy Yen - Marketing Manager Hyatt Regency Dallas
Published on Thursday 04 January
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - United States - Events - What's new? - Ultimate Luxury Experiences - Wine & Dine
Meeting and incentive groups learn about stemware from Resort Manager Martin Dell.
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