Luxury Hospitality Daily News

Here you will find the latest news in the category Germany

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Published on Friday 06 October
Categories: Europe - Germany - Industry economy - Hotel openings
Anticipated Hotel Marks the Independent Hotel Brand’s Fourth Hotel in Germany
Published on Friday 25 August
Categories: Europe - Germany - Industry economy - Renovation / Extension
Mizu Onsen Spa opens in Hotel Bachmair Weissach
Published on Monday 26 June
Categories: Europe - Germany - Career - Appointments
Hotel set to open in the Bavarian capital in December this year
Published on Friday 02 June
Categories: Europe - Germany - Industry economy - Hotel openings
Deutsche Hospitality joins forces with RIMC Hotels & Resorts to expand its presence on the domestic market
Published on Tuesday 09 May
Categories: Europe - Germany - Suppliers
Die international im Bereich der Hotelkosmetik führende Groupe GM hat ihre weitere Zusammenarbeit mit Spaniens führender Hotelkette "Meliá Hotels...
Published on Tuesday 18 April
Categories: Europe - Germany - Events - What's new? - Ultimate Luxury Experiences - Sports
Mandarin Oriental, Munich has launched a luxury accommodation offer for football enthusiasts.
Published on Friday 31 March
Categories: Europe - Germany - Career - Career
“What is happening here is not average, it’s extraordinary; over 2000 people, 79 countries, 800 companies. You ladies and gentleman represent the global...
Published on Friday 24 March
Categories: Europe - Germany - Suppliers
Die neue Hotelkosmetiklinie wurde durch die Olive und ihre berühmten Eigenschaften inspiriert und wird ab April weltweit in den besten Hotels und Spas zur...
Published on Thursday 23 March
Categories: Europe - Germany - Suppliers
Signs up new clients and partners
Published on Friday 17 March
Categories: Europe - Germany - Events - What's new?
Lust for travel and profound safety concerns – Personal encounters vs. the digital world – ITB Berlin underlines its standing as the World’s Leading Travel...
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