Luxury Hospitality Daily News


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Published on Tuesday 08 October
Categories: Asia Pacific - Singapore - Events - Calendar
New show is expected to see majority of Tech Buyers coming from Asian countries, marking demand for travel technology in the Asian travel market
Published on Wednesday 18 September
Categories: Asia Pacific - Indonesia - Events - Calendar
Experience the impeccable sights of more than thirty vintage automobiles
Published on Thursday 18 July
Categories: Europe - United Kingdom - Events - Calendar
Following the excited visitor response to its first student showcase at Sleep & Eat last year, NEWH will be returning this year to present the work of its four...
Published on Friday 28 June
Categories: Europe - United Kingdom - Events - Calendar
Sleep & Eat, the eagerly anticipated event which showcases the innovative and the inspired in hospitality design, has revealed some of the exhibitors so far...
Published on Thursday 06 June
Categories: Europe - France - Events - Calendar
Save the date June 4th 2020
Published on Friday 31 May
Categories: Europe - France - Events - Calendar
As the 2019 harvest will be coming to a close, the Association de la sommellerie internationale will be coming together in Reims, Champagne, to celebrate five...
Published on Thursday 23 May
Categories: Europe - France - Events - Calendar
Vladislava Kovanic
Published on Thursday 02 May
Categories: Asia Pacific - China - Events - Calendar
Groupe GM Hong Kong, leader in the guest amenity industry, will be attending Hofex, Asia’s leading Food and Hospitality Tradeshow, in Hong Kong from 7–10 May...
Published on Friday 19 April
Categories: Worldwide - Industry economy - Tourism - Calendar
International experts will gather at the Forum, which will feature presentations and master classes as participants share knowledge and best practices.
Published on Thursday 14 March
Categories: Worldwide - Career - Career - Calendar
In commensuration with honouring the 10th anniversary of YHS and its accomplishments, the umbrella topic of this year’s edition ‘The Scope of Hospitality:...
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