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Published on Thursday 06 July
Categories: Asia Pacific - Maldives - Events - Calendar
One of the UK’s most famous astronauts, Tim Peake, is visiting Anantara Kihavah Maldives Villas Resort, this November to host a special evening of conversation...
Published on Wednesday 05 July
Categories: Middle East - United Arab Emirates - Events - Calendar
Bringing together senior hospitality leaders, owners and investors, FHS-AHIC 25-27 September 2023 will feature three days of dealmaking and impactful industry...
Published on Friday 23 June
Categories: Europe - Germany - Events - Calendar
From today, exhibitors can register their stand at ITB Berlin on a new exhibitor portal.
Published on Friday 26 May
Categories: Europe - Germany - Events - Calendar
Applications for the competition open until July 31
Published on Wednesday 24 May
Categories: Worldwide - Events - Calendar
The World’s 50 Best Hotels, the 50 Best brand’s first global launch since 2009, will hold its debut awards gala at the Guildhall in London, United Kingdom
Article by Christopher Buet
Published on Tuesday 16 May
Categories: Europe - France - Events - Calendar
One year after having debated around the theme: “Think out of the box”, Wellness, Thalassotherapy, and Spa professionals will discuss all day long about...
Article by Christopher Buet
Published on Friday 28 April
Categories: Middle East - United Arab Emirates - Events - Calendar
Danielle Collins, Director of Middle East Exhibitions at MTA: "Our industry is coming together to showcase the cutting-edge innovations and solutions that are...
Published on Wednesday 26 April
Categories: Asia Pacific - India - Events - Calendar
ITB Berlin presents IPK International’s World Travel Monitor findings on developments in the Indian outbound travel market
Published on Friday 21 April
Categories: Asia Pacific - India - Events - Calendar
Co-located with MICE Show India, Travel Tech India and the ITB India Conference, the annual trade show is making a strong comeback as an in-person event in...
Published on Wednesday 19 April
Categories: Middle East - Oman - Events - Calendar
The Sultanate in the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula and the World’s Leading Travel Trade Show announce their official partnership
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