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Published on Friday 10 May
Categories: Europe - United Kingdom - Suppliers
To celebrate this milestone, Groupe GM is redesigning the line to make it more eco-friendly
Published on Thursday 02 May
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - Mexico - Suppliers
14 group properties leverage RateTiger for online business opportunities
Published on Monday 29 April
Categories: Europe - United Kingdom - Suppliers
International leader in the guest amenity industry, Groupe GM has launched a luxurious perfumed amenity line in partnership with Editions de Parfums Frédéric...
Published on Tuesday 16 April
Categories: Worldwide - Suppliers
Partnership to strengthen RateTiger’s dominance in Middle East hospitality industry
Published on Wednesday 03 April
Categories: Worldwide - Suppliers
Interface with CQR Sistemas to allow automatic rate and availability update to OTAs
Published on Tuesday 09 April
Categories: Africa Indian Ocean - South Africa - Suppliers
The Regency Apartment Hotel Menlyn leverages seamless connectivity and centralized platform
Published on Wednesday 20 March
Categories: Asia Pacific - Indonesia - Suppliers
The Malibu Suites – Balikpapan leverages RateTiger to manage OTAs
Published on Tuesday 05 March
Categories: Africa Indian Ocean - Suppliers
Groupe GM, leading international player in the guest amenity industry, is delighted to announce the expansion of its international network with Ziketro...
Published on Wednesday 06 February
Categories: Europe - United Kingdom - Suppliers
eRevMax, the leading provider of hotel connectivity and online distribution solutions worldwide, has integrated with ICE Portal to help hoteliers manage,...
Published on Wednesday 30 January
Categories: Europe - Portugal - Suppliers
Interface to allow automatic distribution of rate and availability to OTAs for mutual customers
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