Luxury Hospitality Daily News

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Published on Monday 13 July
Categories: Worldwide - Events - Rewards
The Leading Hotels of the World, Ltd is proud to recognize the more than 50 member hotels awarded with over 80 Travel + Leisure World’s Best Awards this year.
Published on Friday 10 July
Categories: Europe - Events - Calendar
Sleep & Eat 2020, Europe’s leading design and innovation event for the hospitality sector, will be transitioning from a live event to an all virtual event...
Published on Friday 10 July
Categories: Africa Indian Ocean - Morocco - Events - What's new?
Hotel welcomes guests back with an exclusive offer for local residents
Published on Wednesday 08 July
Categories: Asia Pacific - Events - What's new?
21 participating Shangri-La hotels in Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka continue to care for the health of the most vulnerable and the environment
Published on Wednesday 08 July
Categories: Europe - France - Events - What's new?
The first Riva Privée opens on the Seine
Published on Tuesday 07 July
Categories: Worldwide - Events - What's new?
Since the end of 2019, the luxury hotel group has been working with the international recycling programme that donates soap to organisations around the world...
Published on Friday 03 July
Categories: Europe - Italy - Events - What's new?
LC BESPOKE is delighted to announced that its Italian collection of original addresses is currently open.
Published on Thursday 02 July
Categories: Europe - France - Events - What's new?
2019 was a successful year for Maisons Pariente, with its collection of beautiful and confidential getaways continuing to grow.
Published on Friday 03 July
Categories: Asia Pacific - Thailand - Events - What's new?
Banyan Tree Samui, a luxury 88-villa resort commanding spectacular vistas of an idyllic beach cove, has been awarded the Amazing Thailand Safety and Health...
Published on Friday 03 July
Categories: Worldwide - Events - What's new?
It’s open skies for global travel. Oetker Collection is launching a unique partnership with Sparfell Aviation Group to offer private chartered flights to all...
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