Luxury Hospitality Daily News

How we partner with luxury hotels in their recruitment?

We are above all a newspaper

Le Journal des Palaces is the daily B2B newspaper for the ultra-luxury and luxury hospitality in France and internationally, in French and English. Our mission is to select useful news and food for thought for ultra-luxury and luxury hospitality professionals.

Our Career Pages are open to luxury hotels

We support luxury hotels and gourmet restaurants in their recruitment: their recruiters publish their job and internship offers on our Career Pages.

journal des palaces hotellerie ultra-luxe et luxe

linkedIn 220.000
Facebook 25.500
Instagram 6,000

Talent providers since 2004!

Our clients put Journal des Palaces' Careers Section at the top of list for recruited applicants source, followed by internal recruitment and their own personal network.

172 jobs filled these last 30 days
thanks to Journal des Palaces' Career Section:

- Chef de Rang Plage - 5-star Hotel
- Night Manager - 5-star Hotel
- Commis de cuisine - Bellefeuille 1* - 5-star Hotel
- Chef de cuisine - 5-star Hotel

More filled jobs

What the Journal des Palaces brings you

It is important to take the time to read the following. Why? Because before you collaborate, you need to make sure that our offer matches your needs.

1. An online Recruiter Account
with more than 30 tailored tools and services

This online Recruiter Account is at your service to support you in your recruitment.
It has been designed by and for recruiters of ultra-luxury and luxury hotels and it corresponds to the particularities of the industry's professions.

An example: you can indicate the available accommodation, a very important point for cities where rents are expensive or accommodation is scarce, especially in season... You can also mention if the position is without breaks. A real expectation of some candidates, right?

Your subscription gives you access at any time to this account to manage your recruitment yourself with more than 30 tools and services included: publish your offers, highlight your employer brand, modify their description, search for matching profiles, select them in notebooks, manage the application files received, add your values as well as testimonials, interviews, etc.

Our first mission is to offer you an efficient Recruiter Account.

2. Great visibility to the right profiles
You are going to log in to your account and publish your first job... This offer is all nice, the presentation of your company is complete, illustrated with a cover and photos... Internet users can see a video of your company, visit your social networks and know who you really are.

Our second mission will be to ensure that your offer has good visibility among the right candidates: we publish and share job offers in the ultra-luxury and luxury hospitality industry on the Career pages of our website, in the newsletter, on social networks, with our partners schools, alumni, professional associations and with our talent base...

Our second mission is to get talent to see your job offer.

3. A reputation among industry professionals
We have been around for over 21 years, which gives us strong recognition in the industry. Seniority is not everything, of course.

We realise that we have a unique opportunity to change lives in our industry. Many testimonials show us how students find their first internship through us, then their second, then their first job and so we accompany our talents during their beautiful career with a pleasure and emotion that is immense.

4. And our secret weapon?
We are a newspaper!

We can highlight your company and your employer brand in the columns of the newspaper.

Do you want to communicate about your opening, your renovation, a new appointment within your teams or your next recruitment season? We can help you by issuing a press release, writing an article or conducting a written or filmed interview.

We have all the necessary skills, it's our job!

With our newspaper, you will be able to touch the profiles that are not actively searching and reach 100% of the job market.

The news pages of our newspaper are consulted by more than 80,000 visitors and our newsletter is followed daily by 3,500 subscribers, your future talents are certainly among them!

These 4 points are our commitments.
These are the services we will provide you during our collaboration.

journal des palaces hotellerie ultra-luxe et luxe

These are our founding values

We are at the service and attentive to luxury houses and industry professionals.

Like you, we are keen to deliver a memorable customer experience and exceed expectations.

We like to challenge and think outside the box to provide innovative, relevant, effective answers and solutions
innovative, relevant, effective answers and solutions through our expertise gained over 21 years.

We favour collaborations that respect the values and relational elegance
of the luxury hospitality industry, of which we are the proud defenders.

If you share our values and our mission can be useful to you,
please feel welcome to join our House
journal des palaces hotellerie ultra-luxe et luxe


Our career section has been selected among the best job boards in Les Échos - Statista 🙌 🙌

We're still the best site specialising in the hotel industry, with the unwavering support of our candidates, who once again give us 5 stars.

We would like to thank and share this trophy with ultra-luxury and luxury hotels, candidates and recruiters who continually encourage us to even greater excellence. Thank you!

How we partner with luxury hotels in their recruitment?

We are above all a newspaper

Le Journal des Palaces is the daily B2B newspaper for the ultra-luxury and luxury hospitality in France and internationally, in French and English. Our mission is to select useful news and food for thought for ultra-luxury and luxury hospitality professionals.

Our Career Pages are open to luxury hotels

We support luxury hotels and gourmet restaurants in their recruitment: their recruiters publish their job and internship offers on our Career Pages.

journal des palaces hotellerie ultra-luxe et luxe

linkedIn 220.000
Facebook 25.500
Instagram Login to your
Recruiter Account

Talent providers since 2004!

Our clients put Journal des Palaces' Careers Section at the top of list for recruited applicants source, followed by internal recruitment and their own personal network.

172 jobs filled these last 30 days
thanks to Journal des Palaces' Career Section:

- Chef de Rang Plage - 5-star Hotel
- Night Manager - 5-star Hotel
- Commis de cuisine - Bellefeuille 1* - 5-star Hotel
- Chef de cuisine - 5-star Hotel

More filled jobs

What the Journal des Palaces brings you

It is important to take the time to read the following. Why? Because before you collaborate, you need to make sure that our offer matches your needs.

1. An online Recruiter Account
with more than 30 tailored tools and services

This online Recruiter Account is at your service to support you in your recruitment.
It has been designed by and for recruiters of ultra-luxury and luxury hotels and it corresponds to the particularities of the industry's professions.

An example: you can indicate the available accommodation, a very important point for cities where rents are expensive or accommodation is scarce, especially in season... You can also mention if the position is without breaks. A real expectation of some candidates, right?

Your subscription gives you access at any time to this account to manage your recruitment yourself with more than 30 tools and services included: publish your offers, highlight your employer brand, modify their description, search for matching profiles, select them in notebooks, manage the application files received, add your values as well as testimonials, interviews, etc.

Our first mission is to offer you an efficient Recruiter Account.

2. Great visibility to the right profiles
You are going to log in to your account and publish your first job... This offer is all nice, the presentation of your company is complete, illustrated with a cover and photos... Internet users can see a video of your company, visit your social networks and know who you really are.

Our second mission will be to ensure that your offer has good visibility among the right candidates: we publish and share job offers in the ultra-luxury and luxury hospitality industry on the Career pages of our website, in the newsletter, on social networks, with our partners schools, alumni, professional associations and with our talent base...

Our second mission is to get talent to see your job offer.

3. A reputation among industry professionals
We have been around for over 21 years, which gives us strong recognition in the industry. Seniority is not everything, of course.

We realise that we have a unique opportunity to change lives in our industry. Many testimonials show us how students find their first internship through us, then their second, then their first job and so we accompany our talents during their beautiful career with a pleasure and emotion that is immense.

4. And our secret weapon?
We are a newspaper!

We can highlight your company and your employer brand in the columns of the newspaper.

Do you want to communicate about your opening, your renovation, a new appointment within your teams or your next recruitment season? We can help you by issuing a press release, writing an article or conducting a written or filmed interview.

We have all the necessary skills, it's our job!

With our newspaper, you will be able to touch the profiles that are not actively searching and reach 100% of the job market.

The news pages of our newspaper are consulted by more than 80,000 visitors and our newsletter is followed daily by 3,500 subscribers, your future talents are certainly among them!

These 4 points are our commitments.
These are the services we will provide you during our collaboration.

journal des palaces hotellerie ultra-luxe et luxe

These are our founding values

We are at the service and attentive to luxury houses and industry professionals.

Like you, we are keen to deliver a memorable customer experience and exceed expectations.

We like to challenge and think outside the box to provide innovative, relevant, effective answers and solutions
innovative, relevant, effective answers and solutions through our expertise gained over 21 years.

We favour collaborations that respect the values and relational elegance
of the luxury hospitality industry, of which we are the proud defenders.

If you share our values and our mission can be useful to you,
please feel welcome to join our House
journal des palaces hotellerie ultra-luxe et luxe

Our clients are our best ambassadors

Le Journal des Palaces is back in the top Les Echos - Statista recruitment portals: we're still the best site specialising in the hotel industry, with the unwavering support of our candidates, who once again give us 5 stars

We would like to thank and share this trophy with ultra-luxury and luxury hotels, candidates and recruiters who continually encourage us to even greater excellence.

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