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Latest articles by Vanessa Guerrier-Buisine

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Article by Vanessa Guerrier-Buisine
Published on Tuesday 09 July
Categories: Europe - France - Industry economy - Tourism
From hotel development to offering authentic and exclusive experiences for luxury travellers, Bordeaux is a destination that deserves our attention. Focus on...
Interview made by Vanessa Guerrier-Buisine
Published on Wednesday 03 July
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - United States - Industry economy - Hotel openings - Interviews
A glimpse into the resounding success of a restaurant group founded by two French entrepreneurs in Miami, culminating in the opening of its first hotel brand,...
Interview made by Vanessa Guerrier-Buisine
Published on Tuesday 02 July
Categories: Asia Pacific - Maldives - Career - Career - Interviews
The task of managing several establishments at the same time is one that Stuart de San Nicolas has taken on at Minor Hotels, allowing us to zoom in on the...
Article by Vanessa Guerrier-Buisine
Published on Thursday 27 June
Categories: Europe - France - Industry economy - Renovation / Extension
Discreet hideaways for their guests, palaces are increasingly extending their range of accommodation to offer even more intimate retreats, like Château...
Interview made by Vanessa Guerrier-Buisine
Published on Friday 21 June
Categories: Worldwide - Industry economy - Rewards - Trends / Expert's advice - Interviews
From her vision of excellence and effortless service to the evolution of the guest experience in the luxury hotel industry, Amanda Frasier tells us more about...
Article by Vanessa Guerrier-Buisine
Published on Thursday 20 June
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - United States - Career - Career
Miami is a temple of opportunity for French people looking to move abroad. But before you take off, you need to be aware of the many formalities involved, as...
Article by Vanessa Guerrier-Buisine
Published on Tuesday 18 June
Categories: Europe - France - Career - Career
Mondrian hotels in Bordeaux and Cannes are putting quality of work life at the heart of their strategy, Bruno Tailly and Jean-Philippe Vanthielt, their general...
Article by Vanessa Guerrier-Buisine
Published on Thursday 13 June
Categories: Europe - Germany - Industry economy - Tourism
At IMEX Frankfurt 2024, Denis Kiesow, Sales Manager Europe for Riverside Luxury Cruises, talked to us about the strengths, ambitions and new products of the...
Interview made by Vanessa Guerrier-Buisine
Published on Tuesday 11 June
Categories: Worldwide - Industry economy - Group / hotel buyout - Interviews
The man who is now at the helm of Fauchon has more to say about his ambitions and plans for the group's hotel division.
Article by Vanessa Guerrier-Buisine
Published on Thursday 06 June
Categories: Worldwide - Events - Calendar - What's new?
Club Med is reinventing the world of MICE, with its top-of-the-range, personalized, all-inclusive offers tailored to multinationals and very small businesses...
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